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Norwegian Russian Dictionary 5.1
Comprehensive Norwegian Russian dictionary- Easy to find synonyms for contextual interpretation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quick- Transliteration to roman charactersThesaurus game- match words- view synonymsFlashcard and multiple choice games- With transliterations- High school or difficult words- Review of flashcards word history.*** Save on network costs by buying an offline app with no Ads ***
Filipino Spanish Dictionary 5.1
Comprehensive Filipino Spanish dictionary- Easy to find synonyms for contextual interpretation- OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- match words- view synonymsFlashcard and multiple choice games- High school or difficult words- Review of flashcards word history.*** Save on network costs by buying an offline app with no Ads ***Tagalog is related to other Philippine languages such as the Bikollanguages, Ilokano, the Visayan languages, and Kapampangan, andmore distantly to other Austronesian languages such as Indonesian,Hawaiian and Malagasy.
Japanese Thai Dictionary 5.0
Extensive Japanese Thai dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improvethetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning oftheanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to viewalternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not inthetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Irish English Dictionary 5.2
Comprehensive dictionaryEasy to find word synonymsSimple and quickWord of the DayThesaurus featureFlashcard gameHigh school or difficult wordsReview of flashcards word history.
Korean Mongolian Dictionary 5.2
Extensive Korean Mongolian dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improve thetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Write the translation of the word and view the meaning of theanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to view alternativewordsWord games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Write the word and lose a point for each character not in thetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Lao English dictionary 5.2
Extensive English Lao dictionarytranslator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improve thetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickSynonyms game- Write the translation of the word and view the meaning of theanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to view alternativewordsWord games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Write the word and lose a point for each character not in thetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabularyຢ່າງກວ້າງຂວາງໃນການແປພາສາຄົ້ນຫາພາສາອັງກິດສປປລາວ-ສັບຄ້າຍຄືກັນສະແດງການຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອທີ່ກໍານົດຄໍາແລະການປັບປຸງການແປພາສາ- ຢ່າງເຕັມສ່ວນບໍ່, ງ່າຍດາຍແລະວ່ອງໄວເກມເຄົ້າ- ຂຽນການແປພາສາຂອງຄໍາແລະເບິ່ງຄວາມຫມາຍຂອງຄໍາຕອບໄດ້- ເບິ່ງສັບຄ້າຍຄືກັນແລະແປສັບຄ້າຍຄືກັນເພື່ອເບິ່ງຄໍາທາງເລືອກເກມອອນຄໍາ     - ໂຮງຮຽນສູງຫຼືຄໍາມີຄວາມຫຍຸ້ງຍາກ     - ເລືອກບັດທີ່ matchesຄວາມຫມາຍຈາກສີ່ທາງເລືອກໃນການ     -ຫຼືສະກົດຄໍາໄດ້ຈາກລັກສະນະການສະແດງຂອງ     -ທວນຄືນການບັນຊີລາຍຊື່ຂອງຄໍາສັບຕ່າງໆທີ່ນໍາໃຊ້ຢູ່ໃນເກມໄດ້.ນັບເບີເກມ     - ຊອກຫາການແປພາສາພາຍໃນໄລຍະເວລາການ     -ຂຽນຄໍາແລະການສູນເສຍຈຸດສໍາລັບການລັກສະນະແຕ່ລະຄົນບໍ່ໄດ້ຢູ່ໃນການແປພາສາ.     -ການປະຕິບັດແລະການພັດທະນາກັບຄໍາສັບຂອງທ່ານ
Korean Russian Dictionary 5.2
Extensive Korean Russian dictionarytranslator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improve thetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning of theanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to view alternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not in thetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
English French Dictionary 5.2
Extensive English French dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improvethetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning oftheanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to viewalternativewordsWord games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not inthetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
English Hebrew Dictionary 5.2
Extensive English Hebrew dictionarytranslator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improve thetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning of theanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to view alternativewordsWord games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not in thetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
English Chinese Dictionary 5.2
Extensive English Chinese dictionarytranslator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improve thetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning of theanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to view alternativewordsWord games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not in thetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Czech English Dictionary 5.0
Comprehensive English Czech dictionary- Easy to find synonyms for contextual interpretation- OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- match words- view synonymsFlashcard game- High school or difficult words- Review of flashcards word history.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Practice and develop your vocabulary*** Save on network costs by buying an offline app with no Ads ***
Greek French Dictionary 5.2
Comprehensive French Greek dictionary- Easy to find synonyms for contextual interpretation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quick- Transliteration to roman charactersThesaurus / Word of the Day game- match words- view synonymsFlashcard word games- transliterated- High school or difficult words- Review of flashcards word history.*** Save on network costs by buying an offline app with no Ads ***
English Lithuanian Dictionary 5.0
Extensive English Lithuanian dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improvethetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning oftheanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to viewalternativewordsWord games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not inthetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Mongolian English Dictionary 5.2
Extensive English Mongolian dictionarytranslator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improve thetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickSynonyms game- Write the translation of the word and view the meaning of theanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to view alternativewordsWord games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Write the word and lose a point for each character not in thetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabularyӨргөн Англи хэл Монгол хэл толь бичиг орчуулагч- Үгийг тодорхойлох, орчуулгыг сайжруулах туслах харуулах Ижилнэр- Бүрэн Холбогдоогүй Энгийн, хурданИжил тоглоом- Үгийг орчуулж бичих ба хариултын утгыг харахын- Харах Ижил нэр, өөр үгийг үзэхийн тулд синониумтай орчуулахҮг тоглоомууд     - Их, дээд сургуульд, эсвэл хэцүүүгс     - Дөрөв сонголтуудаас утгыг таарч байгаакартыг сонгох     - Эсвэл дэлгэцэн дээр тэмдэгтүүд нь үгийгид шид     - Тоглолтонд ашиглаж үгсийн жагсаалтыгнэгтгэн дүгнэ.Урвуу тоолох тоглоом     - Урвуу тоолох хугацаанд орчуулгыгхай     - Үгийг бичих биш, орчуулгын бүрийн занчанарын хувьд цэгийг алддаг.     - Дадлага болон үгсийн хөгжүүлэх
Malay English dictionary 5.2
Extensive English Malay dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improve thetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickSynonyms game- Write the translation of the word and view the meaning of theanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to view alternativewordsWord games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Write the word and lose a point for each character not in thetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Japanese Turkish Dictionary 5.2
Extensive Japanese Turkish dictionarytranslator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improve thetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning of theanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to view alternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not in thetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Russian Chinese Dictionary 5.0
Extensive Russian Chinese dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improvethetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning oftheanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to viewalternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not inthetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Japanese Mongolian Dictionary 5.2
Comprehensive Japanese Mongoliandictionary- Easy to find synonyms for contextual interpretation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quick- Transliteration to roman charactersThesaurus game- match words- view synonymsFlashcard and multiple choice games- With transliterations- High school or difficult words- Review of flashcards word history.*** Save on network costs by buying an offline app with no Ads ***Tags: Dictionary, Translator, Thesaurus, Synonyms, Flashcards,Word Games, Learn Language, Translation, Travel Dictionary,Travelers, Businessmen, Students, Holiday, VacationThe modern Japanese writing system uses a combination of threemain scripts:Kanji, adopted Chinese charactersKana, a pair of syllabaries, consisting of:Hiragana, used, along with kanji, for native or naturalisedJapanese words, and for grammatical elementsKatakana, used for foreign words and names, loanwords,onomatopoeia, scientific names, and sometimes to replace kanji orhiragana for emphasis.
Japanese English Dictionary 5.0
Extensive Japanese English dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improvethetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning oftheanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to viewalternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not inthetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
English Arabic Dictionary 5.2
Extensive English Arabic dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improvethetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning oftheanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to viewalternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not inthetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Korean English Dictionary 5.2
Comprehensive dictionaryEasy to find word synonymsSimple and quickTransliteration to roman charactersFlashcard gameHigh school or difficult wordsReview of flashcards word history.
Japanese Spanish Dictionary 5.0
Extensive Japanese Spanish dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improvethetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning oftheanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to viewalternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not inthetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
French Spanish Dictionary 5.2
Comprehensive dictionaryEasy to find word synonymsSimple and quickWord of the DayThesaurus featureFlashcard gameHigh school or difficult wordsReview of flashcards word history.Remove Ads by buying offline dictionary
English Cebuano Dictionary 5.2
Extensive English Cebuano dictionarytranslator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improve thetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning of theanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to view alternativewordsWord games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not in thetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabularyDako Iningles Cebuano dictionary maghuhubad- Display mga susamang kahulugan sa pagtabang sa kahulugan sapulong ug sa pagpalambo sa paghubad- Hingpit Offline, Simple ug daliThesaurus game- Type sa paghubad sa pulong ug sa pagtan-aw sa kahulogan sa mgatubag- View synonymes ug paghubad sa mga susamang kahulugan sa pagtan-awalternatibong mga pulongPulong games- High school o sa malisud nga mga pulong- Pilia ang card nga motakdo sa sa kahulogan gikan sa upat ka mgamga opsyon- O magresulta sa pulong gikan sa gipakita nga mga karakter- Ribyuha ang usa ka lista sa mga pulong nga gigamit sa mgadula.Countdown alang game- Find sa paghubad sa sulod sa countdown nga panahon- Magresulta sa pulong ug sa mawad-an sa usa ka punto alang samatag kinaiya wala sa sa paghubad.- Pagpraktis ug sa pagpalambo sa inyong bokabularyo
Kurdish English dictionary 5.2
Comprehensive Kurdish English dictionary- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improve thetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Write the translation of the word and view the meaning of theanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to view alternativewordsWord games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Write the word and lose a point for each character not in thetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabularyكوردی, Kurdî, Kurdí, Кöрди
Danish Spanish Dictionary 5.2
Comprehensive Spanish Danish dictionary- Easy to find synonyms for contextual interpretation- OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- match words- view synonymsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Review of flashcards word history.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Practice and develop your vocabulary*** Save on network costs by buying an offline app with no Ads ***Tags: Dictionary, Translator, Thesaurus, Synonyms,Flashcards,Word Games, Learn Language, Translation, TravelDictionary,Travelers, Businessmen, Students, Holiday, Vacation
Georgian English Dictionary 5.2
Extensive English Georgian dictionarytranslator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improve thetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Write the translation of the word and view the meaning of theanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to view alternativewordsWord games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not in thetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabularyვრცელი ინგლისურ ქართული ლექსიკონი თარჯიმანი- ჩვენების სინონიმები ეხმარება განსაზღვრა სიტყვა და გააუმჯობესოსთარგმანი- სრულად ოფლაინი, მარტივი და სწრაფითეზაურუსის თამაში- დაწერეთ თარგმანი სიტყვა და ნახოთ მნიშვნელობა პასუხი- ნახეთ სინონიმები და თარგმნოს სინონიმები რომ ნახოთ ალტერნატიულისიტყვებისიტყვა თამაშები- საშუალო სკოლა ან რთული სიტყვა- აირჩიეთ ბარათი, რომელიც შეესაბამება მნიშვნელობა ოთხიპარამეტრები- ან სიტყვიერად სიტყვა ნაჩვენები სიმბოლოები- მიმოხილვა სიტყვების სია გამოყენებული თამაშები.უკუთვლა თამაში- ის თარგმანი ფარგლებში უკუთვლა პერიოდში- მართლწერის სიტყვა და დაკარგავს წერტილი თითოეული ხასიათი არათარგმანი.- პრაქტიკა და განვითარება თქვენი ლექსიკა
Russian Romanian Dictionary 5.2
Extensive Russian Romanian dictionarytranslator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improve thetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning of theanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to view alternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not in thetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
English Hmong Dictionary 5.2
Extensive English Hmong dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improve thetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning of theanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to view alternativewordsWord games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not in thetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabularyKim heev Askiv Hmoob txhais lus lub tshuab txhais lus- Zaub synonyms pab txhais lo lus thiab txhim kho cov txhaislus- Tag nrho OFFLINE, yooj yim thiab ceevThesaurus kev ua si- Hom txhais lo lus thiab saib lub ntsiab lus ntawm cov lusteb- View synonyms thiab txhais lus synonyms mus saib lwm txojluslo lus ua si- High tsev kawm ntawv los yog nyuaj lus- Xaiv qhov card uas phim cov lus ntsiab los ntawm kev xaivplaub- Los yog sau ntawv lo lus los ntawm displayed cim- Rov xyuas ib daim ntawv teev cov lus siv nyob rau hauv kev uasi.suav rov qab kev ua si- Nrhiav tus txhais lus tsis pub dhau lub Countdown lub sijhawm- Yees siv cov lo lus thiab poob ib tug taw tes rau txhua tus neegtsis nyob hauv lub txhais lus.- Xyaum thiab tsim koj cov lus sivWest Hmongic branch of the Miao languages, sometimes known asthe Chuanqiandian Cluster which is spoken by the Hmong people ofSichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, northern Vietnam, Thailand, andLaos
Dutch English Dictionary 5.2
Comprehensive English Dutch dictionary- Easy to find synonyms for contextual interpretation- OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- match words- view synonymsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Review of flashcards word history.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Practice and develop your vocabulary*** Save on network costs by buying an offline app with no Ads ***Tags: Dictionary, Translator, Thesaurus, Synonyms,Flashcards,Word Games, Learn Language, Translation, TravelDictionary,Travelers, Businessmen, Students, Holiday, Vacation
Arabic German Dictionary 5.2
Extensive German Arabic dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improvethetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning oftheanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to viewalternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not inthetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Estonian English Dictionary 5.2
Comprehensive English Estonian dictionary- Easy to find synonyms for contextual interpretation- OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- match words- view synonymsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Review of flashcards word history.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Practice and develop your vocabulary*** Save on network costs by buying an offline app with no Ads ***
French Italian Dictionary 5.2
Comprehensive dictionaryEasy to find word synonymsSimple and quickWord of the DayThesaurus featureFlashcard gameHigh school or difficult wordsReview of flashcards word history.Remove Ads by buying offline dictionary
Russian German Dictionary 5.2
Extensive German Russian dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improvethetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning oftheanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to viewalternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not inthetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Romanian French Dictionary 5.2
Comprehensive French Romanian dictionary- Easy to find synonyms for contextual interpretation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus / Word of the Day game- match words- view synonymsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Review of flashcards word history.*** Save on network costs by buying an offline app with no Ads ***
Turkish French Dictionary 5.2
Comprehensive French Turkish dictionary- Easy to find synonyms for contextual interpretation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus / Word of the Day game- match words- view synonymsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Review of flashcards word history.*** Save on network costs by buying an offline app with no Ads***
Russian Georgian Dictionary 5.2
Extensive Russian Georgian dictionarytranslator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improve thetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning of theanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to view alternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not in thetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Greek German Dictionary 5.2
Extensive German Greek dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improve thetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning of theanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to view alternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not in thetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Russian Serbian Dictionary 5.2
Extensive Russian Serbian dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improvethetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning oftheanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to viewalternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not inthetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Russian Turkish Dictionary 5.2
Extensive Russian Turkish dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improvethetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning oftheanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to viewalternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not inthetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Thai German Dictionary 5.2
Extensive German Thai dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improvethetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning oftheanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to viewalternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not inthetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Swedish English Dictionary 5.2
Comprehensive English Swedish dictionary- Easy to find synonyms for contextual interpretation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- match words- view synonymsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Review of flashcards word history.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Practice and develop your vocabulary*** Save on network costs by buying an offline app with no Ads ***
Korean French Dictionary 5.1
Extensive Korean French dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improve thetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning of theanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to view alternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not in thetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
English Punjabi Dictionary 5.2
Extensive English Punjabi dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improvethetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning oftheanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to viewalternativewordsWord games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not inthetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabularyਵਿਆਪਕ ਅੰਗਰੇਜ਼ੀ ਨੂੰ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਡਿਕਸ਼ਨਰੀ ਅਨੁਵਾਦਕ- ਸ਼ਬਦ ਨੂੰ ਪ੍ਰਭਾਸ਼ਿਤ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੁਧਾਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਮਦਦ ਕਰਨਡਿਸਪਲੇਅਵਾਚੀ- ਪੂਰੀ, ਆਫਲਾਈਨ ਸਰਲ ਅਤੇ ਤੇਜ਼ਵਾਚੀ ਖੇਡ ਹੈ- ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦਾ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਲਿਖੋ ਅਤੇ ਜਵਾਬ ਦੇ ਅਰਥ ਵੇਖਣ ਲਈ- ਵੇਖੋ ਵਾਚੀ ਅਤੇ ਬਦਲ ਦੇ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਨੂੰ ਵੇਖਣ ਲਈ ਵਾਚੀ ਅਨੁਵਾਦਬਚਨ ਦੀ ਖੇਡ     - ਹਾਈ ਸਕੂਲ ਦੇ ਜ ਔਖਾ ਸ਼ਬਦ     - ਚਾਰ ਵਿਕਲਪ ਤੱਕ ਅਰਥ ਮਿਲਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿਕਾਰਡਚੁਣੋ     - ਵੇਖਾਈ ਅੱਖਰ ਦਾ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਜੋੜ     - ਗੇਮਜ਼ ਵਿੱਚ ਵਰਤੇ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦੀ ਇੱਕਸੂਚੀਵੇਖੋ.ਪੁੱਠੀ ਖੇਡ ਹੈ     - ਪੁੱਠੀ ਮਿਆਦ ​​ਦੇ ਅੰਦਰ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਲੱਭੋ     - ਸ਼ਬਦ ਨੂੰ ਸਪੈਲ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਨਾ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਵਿੱਚ ਹਰਇਕਅੱਖਰ ਲਈ ਇਕ ਬਿੰਦੂ ਨੂੰ ਗੁਆ.     - ਪ੍ਰੈਕਟਿਸ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸ਼ਬਦਾਵਲੀਦਾਵਿਕਾਸ
Danish English Dictionary 5.2
Comprehensive English Danish dictionary- Easy to find synonyms for contextual interpretation- OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- match words- view synonymsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Review of flashcards word history.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Practice and develop your vocabulary*** Save on network costs by buying an offline app with no Ads ***
Spanish Russian Dictionary 5.1
Comprehensive Spanish Russian dictionary- Easy to find synonyms for contextual interpretation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quick- Transliteration to roman charactersThesaurus game- match words- view synonymsFlashcard and multiple choice games- With transliterations- High school or difficult words- Review of flashcards word history.*** Save on network costs by buying an offline app with no Ads ***
English Thai Dictionary 5.2
Comprehensive English Thai dictionary- Easy to find synonyms for contextual interpretation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quick- Transliteration to roman charactersThesaurus game- match words- view synonymsFlashcard word games- With transliterations- High school or difficult words- Review of flashcards word history.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Practice and develop your vocabulary*** Save on network costs by buying an offline app with no Ads ***
Russian Polish Dictionary 5.2
Extensive Russian Polish dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improvethetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickThesaurus game- Type the translation of the word and view the meaning oftheanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to viewalternativewordsFlashcard word games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Spell the word and lose a point for each character not inthetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Polish English Dictionary 5.2
Extensive English Polish dictionary translator- Display synonyms helping to define the word and improvethetranslation- Fully OFFLINE, Simple and quickSynonyms game- Write the translation of the word and view the meaning oftheanswers- View synonyms and translate the synonyms to viewalternativewordsWord games- High school or difficult words- Choose the card that matches the meaning from four options- Or spell the word from the displayed characters- Review a list of words used in the games.Countdown game- Find the translation within the countdown period- Write the word and lose a point for each character not inthetranslation.- Practice and develop your vocabulary
Swahili Spanish Dictionary 5.1
Comprehensive Swahili Spanish dictionary- Easy to find synonyms for contextual interpretationThesaurus game- match words- view synonymsFlashcard and multiple choice games- High school or difficult words- Review of flashcards word history.*** Save on network costs by buying an offline app with no Ads***